Saturday, October 6, 2012

two steps forward, one step back

Although it certainly feels more like one step forward, two steps back!

I went back to my plastic surgeon again yesterday. I wasn't due to go back until Monday, but the hematoma on my back was causing so much pain that I didn't want to wait. I was glad I went in, because he said he was really surprised how fast the hematoma had filled up again. He filled a huge 40cc syringe with fluid/blood. He showed it to me, and let's just say it's good I'm not queasy when it comes to blood and needles. Hopefully after 2-3 more times of draining, it will start to absorb itself. If it doesn't, he'll have to put in a little "mini drain" for a bit. Not ideal, but I'd totally do it if it meant it would heal faster.

I did feel a lot better today too, I think between having the hematoma drained and getting another night of sleep in my own bed. I didn't take any medications today, which is a good step, especially since I've been driving a lot more. And the last thing I need is an addiction to pain meds or something. Not that I'm worried about that, because I don't really think the pain meds helped much anyway...but still, I've been taking a lot of them, so I'm happy to be able to make it longer without them now. 

Unfortunately I've gained back a couple of pounds, so I'm only about 4.5 pounds less than I was on my surgery date. A little bummed about that, but I have been eating horribly. I've noticed I've been a little "blue" lately -- every little things seems to make we well up in tears. I'm guessing that must be normal considering what I just put myself through the past 2 weeks. And whenever I get sad, I head for the sweets. Tonight I forced myself not to raid the Halloween candy that I just bought! Good girl. :-) 

I also noticed a new "swollen" part on me this morning. My lower left abdomen, above the incision, is all puffy. I'm 100% sure it is just normal swelling, but it just seems like when one part of me gets better, another part swells. So annoying.

In other news, I'm returning to work on Monday and I am so excited! I actually think I will get more rest there than I do here at home, lol. I'm looking forward to getting back to my normal routine. Oh, and before I head to work on Monday, I get to go visit my surgeon again to have the hematoma drained again. Yay.

1 comment:

  1. It’s good that you did not hesitate to go back to your doctor the moment you experienced a problem. On another note, I would suggest that you try to focus on reaching your goal, so that everything you have gone through – especially with the plastic surgery – won’t go to waste.

    Geoffrey Lelia
