Tuesday, October 23, 2012

avoid the debbie downers

So I freely confess that I stole this...but it was too great not to share.

We all know one…the Debbie Downers, the buzz kill. And most of us will have to deal with a few after surgery. It is really hard when you feel that you don’t have the support from your loved ones. 

The choice to have a mommy makeover is strictly yours and hopefully you are doing this for you and only you. I have had a few family members of mine that I surprisingly haven’t received support from. It is hurtful, especially since they saw me struggle with my weight and self-esteem issues for years. 

A lot of people will see it as a “waste of money.” I started feeling the need to explain my reasoning for having the surgery. I wanted them to know that it was not out of vanity, or selfishness. But remember the old saying, “Those convinced against their will, are of the same opinion still.” It really doesn’t matter. As much as I wanted them to hear me out and understand my reasoning, they won’t. 

If they love you, they will keep their negative comments to themselves and support you no matter what. But you may have those who love you, yet still feel the need to give their opinion even when not asked. My response to those people would be a nod and a smile. (Believe me, I know it’s hard.) 

If you want, throw in a “please keep your negative comments to yourself” or a “if you don’t have anything nice to say…”. But my advice is to steer clear of the “screw you” sort of comment. It is just not worth it. As long as you know why you are doing this, that is all you need. 

For me, being able to look in the mirror, smile and for the first time in my life, love what I see…well that is priceless to me. And for those who can’t see past the money or their opinions, they are missing out on watching someone they love transforming into the person they have always dreamed of being.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

4 weeks post-op

Wow, I can't believe yesterday was the 1-month anniversary of my surgery. In ways it seems like it was just yesterday, and in others it seems like ages ago. Kind of like having kids!

The best news I have to share is that my hematoma no longer needs to be drained. Yay! It's all "softened up" so it will absorb on its own now. I am still a little more swollen in that area, but it no longer hurts any more than the rest of me.

Dr. Stephens also told me that I need to shed the compression garment. :-( He said it's fine to wear it, but that I don't need it, and it would be good to let my skin breathe a bit. However it's really become a sort of security blanket for me. It keeps everything all sucked in, helps me stand up straight, and the pressure is kind of like a 24/7 hug. It is a little difficult to get clothes over it, but I can hide it pretty well with layers. But, sadly, I know I can't wear it forever.

So today I spent most of the day in my Spanx rather than the compression garment. The Spanx is the next step down to wearing nothing but my clothes. Ugh, it felt awful. I feel all bloated now, and very sore. But I guess I need to make the transition. I think I know how Kaylyn must have felt giving up her bottle for a sippy cup! Pretty soon it will be going from sippy cup to a real cup. Baby steps!

I've also been dealing with a cold the past few days. I've got that stupid, dry, never-goes-away cough. I can tell now it's going to hit my chest and my sinuses HARD. Just hoping I can make it without a trip to the doctor.   

Although I won't have any post-op appointments for another month, I will still try to update my progress every week or so. :-)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

i'm so excited, and i just can't hide it

I am FINALLY going to post an "after" picture. I kept putting this off because I was hoping the hematoma on my right side would go down, but it looks like the swelling is here to stay for a bit. And overall I am still REALLY swollen, so this is not my "final result" at all.

I don't own a bikini, so I took a tankini that I had and just tucked it up a bit. My belly button is still swollen and healing, but that will look better in a few months.

Ugh...and I know I still haven't posted a before shot. I just don't want to...it's so yucky. :-(

Ok, since my sister says I should...here is a before picture. YUCK!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

back to work

Monday was my first day back at work. It was so great to be around my co-workers again. Not that I didn't enjoy the time off...oh wait, I really didn't enjoy the time off...But honestly I could not imagine going back to work with better peeps!

I was a bit surprised that sitting in an office chair would be as hard as it's been. I am so sore!!! Today wasn't quite as bad, so I know it'll eventually get better...but all this swelling and pain is getting real old, real fast.

BTW, today marks 3 weeks post op! Crazy...part of it seems like it was just yesterday. I think all those pain pills have made my memory a bit fuzzy.

And sorry I have not posted any before or after pictures yet. I'm still not quite there with making those public yet. Perhaps once more swelling goes down and the hematoma is healed I'll post a picture or two. :-)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

two steps forward, one step back

Although it certainly feels more like one step forward, two steps back!

I went back to my plastic surgeon again yesterday. I wasn't due to go back until Monday, but the hematoma on my back was causing so much pain that I didn't want to wait. I was glad I went in, because he said he was really surprised how fast the hematoma had filled up again. He filled a huge 40cc syringe with fluid/blood. He showed it to me, and let's just say it's good I'm not queasy when it comes to blood and needles. Hopefully after 2-3 more times of draining, it will start to absorb itself. If it doesn't, he'll have to put in a little "mini drain" for a bit. Not ideal, but I'd totally do it if it meant it would heal faster.

I did feel a lot better today too, I think between having the hematoma drained and getting another night of sleep in my own bed. I didn't take any medications today, which is a good step, especially since I've been driving a lot more. And the last thing I need is an addiction to pain meds or something. Not that I'm worried about that, because I don't really think the pain meds helped much anyway...but still, I've been taking a lot of them, so I'm happy to be able to make it longer without them now. 

Unfortunately I've gained back a couple of pounds, so I'm only about 4.5 pounds less than I was on my surgery date. A little bummed about that, but I have been eating horribly. I've noticed I've been a little "blue" lately -- every little things seems to make we well up in tears. I'm guessing that must be normal considering what I just put myself through the past 2 weeks. And whenever I get sad, I head for the sweets. Tonight I forced myself not to raid the Halloween candy that I just bought! Good girl. :-) 

I also noticed a new "swollen" part on me this morning. My lower left abdomen, above the incision, is all puffy. I'm 100% sure it is just normal swelling, but it just seems like when one part of me gets better, another part swells. So annoying.

In other news, I'm returning to work on Monday and I am so excited! I actually think I will get more rest there than I do here at home, lol. I'm looking forward to getting back to my normal routine. Oh, and before I head to work on Monday, I get to go visit my surgeon again to have the hematoma drained again. Yay.

Monday, October 1, 2012

yuck :-(

Today I am 12 days post op. Everything looks great, but did find out I have a hematoma on my right backside. My doctor took a syringe and pulled some *yucky stuff* out. I'll have to have that done for the next few weeks. This is the same side that was very bruised and swollen from day one, so I am hoping today's little procedure will bring some relief.

I did get the stitches around my belly button removed, and got the ok to go buy some Spanx this week to replace my compression garment. I think I'll wait to see if my swelling goes down a bit more before I do that.

Next appointment in one week!