Monday, November 12, 2012

where has the time gone?

Today was my 8-week post-op appointment! I'm technically at 8 weeks on Wednesday, but who's keeping track, really? It's amazing how fast time flies sometimes!

Now that most of the pain and swelling have gone down, I've been a bit overly critical of my tummy. I keep thinking, "I spent HOW MUCH money on this and my belly isn't PERFECT!? WTH!!" I've been a bit concerned about this "lopsidedness" that I see. My husband says it's just that I'm more swollen on one side (which is true) but I really felt like I was more "tilted" and not quite so curvy on my left side.

So I brought it up with my plastic surgeon today, and he definitely saw the same thing as me. He however looked at me from behind (which I never really think to do) and he said that I have a slight curvature in my spine that is making me naturally "tilt" that way. So I guess I felt a little better after that.  He did also say I am still more swollen on my left side, and that it WILL get better over time.

Don't get me wrong—perfection is not something I am expecting! It's just such a noticeable difference to me that it's left me a bit bummed. But it's just one of those things that I really can't "officially" complain about until ALL the swelling is gone...which won't happen for many more months.

I was also told today that when I hit 12 weeks (the "magic number" apparently) I can resume all normal exercise and activities! I seriously want to hit the gym. I've had this great excuse to be lazy for the past 8 weeks and it's not done me much good. I am only down 3.5 pounds from my surgery date. Considering that they took 5-6 pounds OFF, that means I have GAINED WEIGHT since my surgery. Not good!!! I'm sure all the salted caramel chocolates and Halloween candy I've been eating are mostly to blame.

My next appointment isn't until February 11, so not sure I'll be posting much on my blog until then. However, in a few weeks I will be going swimming for the first time since my surgery! Maybe I'll post a picture of me in my bathing suit. That'll be exciting. 

Speaking of pictures...My blog post with my before/after photos is now up to 615 views. Seriously, stop looking people! There's nothing more to see here! LOL! Just kidding. Look all you want. It is a remarkable difference. 

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