Sunday, November 4, 2012

no news is good news

I haven't posted in a while because 1) I haven't had a doctor appointment since October 20, and 2) things really haven't changed much! No news is good news, right?

I did finally ditch the compression garment. It was so hard! Even now I still have this urge to put it on, and I haven't worn it for a week.

It seems like the swelling is NEVER going to go down. By the end of each day I feel like I'm going to explode. I wish I could live in my jammies. My clothes fit great, but with all the swelling I am so uncomfortable in them. It's hard to accept that this swelling is going to take 6-9 months to go away. I am so done with it!

My scar is healing very nicely (although my belly button still looks awful). I started using a scar treatment called bioCorneum. It's the first (and only) FDA-approved silicone scar treatmentso of course it's ridiculously expensive and can only be dispensed by a physician. But surprisingly I noticed a HUGE difference the first week I used it. My scar went from raised and bumpy to flat and smooth in just a week. I haven't noticed any more noticeable differences this past week, but still very impressed in what it did in the first week.

One other little tidbit of info I will share... I just looked at the stats of my page views of this blog. Most run about 50 to 70 page views. My "I'm so excited" postthe one with my before and after picshas a whopping 466 views! 

Seriously peoplelook at the pictures ONCE and move on! I guess now I know what people were really interested I guess I'll need to post more "after" photos soon. (I'm still holding out on the worst of my "before" pictures...)

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Joanne! You just have to wait a few weeks more, and you’ll be able to see the results of the operation. Regarding the compression garment, it does help a lot so do not stop using it. I suggest you find one that has a softer material so you won’t feel uncomfortable. And, I highly suggest that you call your surgeon and schedule for a follow-up check-up. It is important to let your surgeon know and see the changes in the area that had undergone the procedure.

    Dennis Rode
